i love чou. ♥

My photo
Manchester. ♥, United Kingdom
one word that explains mч life? music. ♥

Saturday, January 16, 2010

on cloud nine. :)

i'm on cloud nine, actually.  no particular reason, i just ... am. :)
it feels nice to get everything off my shoulders for once.  even if i have a new problem to think about.  but i don't really care.  

i just want to dance around in my bare feet with leaves in my hair.  figuratively. :)

bridget jones is such an amazing film, i love it. :)
about daniel and the fuckwits and loads more.  amazing. :)
and i'm talking to daniel now {different daniel xD}.  this was such a weird post.



don't you hate remembering what happened yesterday?
if it was something you did that you wish you didn't do.  or if it was making yourself look stupid infront of someone you shouldn't.  or if it was arguing with someone you love.
do i have to go on?

i argued with someone last night, over something quite stupid.  yeah, we made up but i still feel bad...
i wish now i'd have stayed online to talk to them longer.  i wish to god i had.

Friday, January 15, 2010

stupid racist bitch should wish she'd never been born.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

to those that read the disclosed; I am truly sorry.

i have to have somewhere to write this down.
so here it is.  the whole mess that has become my life.

when i was about ten, everything was perfect.  i got everything i wanted.  i had a great life.
it was all fine.  until my dad got made redundant.  which then he got a job offer.
but it was in spain.  we agreed in the end, after a few holidays there, we would move there.
so we did.  it was all fine.  until the winter.  that was when the amazing dream that i lived in, ended.
i had become a selfish, spoiled brat.  i realized that as soon as i stopped getting everything i wanted.
i got what i wanted and needed, sure.  but not at the click of my fingers anymore.

the winter, you could say, was meagre.  there was hardly any income and we could barely afford rent for the house, never mind the two cars we had and our house back in england.
miraculously, we managed.  barely, but we managed.
we sold the cars and we moved house to somewhere cheaper.  we kept our house in england.
that was when my dad started to change.

he started to want bigger things: bigger jobs, more money, exotic places.  things my mom didn't want.  she wanted us settled in schools and a house with a stable income.
they started to notice the differences in eachother and, you could say, grew apart slightly.

later that year we moved back to england, my dad stayed in spain for awhile and finished up his job.  that was when another job offer came in.  this time, in thailand.
he wanted to take it, he wanted a change of scene and more money.  they offered all sorts to get him over there when we didn't want him to.  it was all a lie.

he barely got paid; but because he loved the job he thought that was okay.  we didn't.
my mom had to start paying everything on her own: bills, mortgage, car tax, everything.

now it's all change.  they've split up, finally.  it was always going to happen...

were moving house in two weeks, letting go of the past was the most vital thing to do.
and the hardest.
none of us thought it was going to end that way....

only two people know about some of this.  if you read this: i don't want your sympathy.  i want your friendship: i want you to ignore it and treat me as if nothings wrong.  i want you to know that if you were really my friend. then you'd accept this and treat me normally.  like you do everyday you've not known this.
it wasn't because i couldn't trust you.  it was because i didn't want anyone knowing.
and now, the whole of cyberspace knows.  anyone with a computer.
but i can't talk to anyone about stuff like this.  i know i say i can, but i couldn't do it without crying.

if i had a gun...

all i want to do is shoot you.
he doesn't know how dead he really is.

basically, a boy from my school has been spreading loads of shit about me.  and i had to tell daniel.   he wasn't best pleased. :|

he's been spreading rumours around that i'm going out with this totally manky lad in our year, when i'm not.  he's called josh barlow btw.
so as i sit here pissed off, he's off telling the world about my "boyfriend".  urgh.

i actually got so mad i cried.  and i don't cry over rumours.  but daniel had to believe me.....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

woo, i posted. :)

Compared to now, i was quite happy before.  now i'm just stressed, annoyed and bitchy.
not a good mood...

I want to escape.  I want to run free where the grass is soft and the sky is full of fluffy white clouds.
Somewhere where nothing matters.  Somewhere where I don't have to depend on one persin that has enough shiat of their own to deal with, not mine too.
Somewhere warm and sunny, where I have memory loss or amnesia.  That would be nice.


i'm so cold i might actually die.
it's snowing. urgh.

i might actually update later.  maybe. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


so, like, yeah... today was cool.  but i have a certain ANNIE! to kill. grr.
he totally wasn't on about that btw!  he was on about something TOTALLY different so HOW FUCKING DARE YOU GO UP TO HIM LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING BITCH!

anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays, i talked to him abit today.  yeah brave xD
it got all awkward cuz MABEL! was being stupid and stuff, i was hitting her over the head for it so i'm not better really xP  but ooooh well.  today was like, weird and shit.  but yeah.  okay.

and i actually might kill bryn, who i think might actually be a girl, Maz xD  or a transexual! :O
probably the second option.  he was calling me a chav and he MUST DIE.  so did lewis barlow in fact.  so he must die too.  chavs... ¬_¬
anyway, boring you much? :P   talk to you later or something.   MUAH!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Just excuse me while I faint on my bed. :D  SO DAMN HAPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :)
Post later!! <3

Sunday, January 10, 2010

stitch. ♥

today i was uninspired.  then my sister came into my room.
she gave me this:

and it inspired me to write about it.  by the way, it's not just red.  the other side is purple. :)

this is stitch. i called him stitch because my sister sewn him.  yeah, sweet isn't he?
it took her the best part of the day and she's so proud of him.  it was so cute. :)
i'm glad that got him and noone else.  he will sit on my shelf with all my other teddies.  yeah, i still collect teddies.   just little ones though. :)